Friday, May 13, 2016

A note on Love

I write about our kids ALL the time..when I go anywhere without our kids I feel naked. I pour every ounce of myself into trying to be a perfect mother to our kids. A podcast I recently listened to had me rethinking about this and I realized that without my kids I don't really have much of an identity. This reality hit me shortly after Finley was born, as well, and I went through a difficult time of trying to understand who I am and who God wants me to be. My life has changed so rapidly in the past 5 years, sometimes it's hard to come up for air and take a look at all that's happened.

My sweet husband. this amazing guy...he's been with me through it all. We've been together since I was 15 and he was 18. It's really astonishing to think of all our relationship has survived. He watched me destroy my body for 4 years as I switched back and forth from anorexia and bulimia...but seriously...I think of the person I was back then and I was SO unlovable. And yet he loved me through it and always did anything and everything he could to help me. Sound like anyone you know? ahem, Jesus?

He has known me when I was cursing God, lying, and manipulating. He knew me when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart and was saved by God's amazing Grace. He knew me through recovering from my eating disorder and adjusting my entire outlook on life itself. He knew me through the transformation that happened once I put my trust in Jesus. He has been patient with me as I continue to learn and grow.

Our relationship is an amazing example of God working with something impossible. It's a miracle we stayed together all of those years. Sam was a hardworking, good guy, and I was a rebellious brat (to be perfectly honest). When I look back on this; it's so easy to see that it was God who brought us together, and God who has kept us together.

As we navigate through parenthood together, our lives have totally flipped yet again. We are continually transforming, changing, and growing...We are completely different people then we were when we got married almost 3 years ago. The one thing that remains constant, is our hope in Jesus! Amen!

 While cutting his hair tonight I felt this giddiness that only love can manifest..not because cutting hair is super duper fun, but because I know that we are living in a season of our lives that we'll look back on with joy for many years to come. How crazy is it that most days, I (we) am (are) truly not appreciating this season of life!! It's so easy to neglect our marriage when there's little ones needing attention.

So while I'm feeling this love I want to write about my man. Sam is a truly special breed :) He is goofy and so easygoing. He was cracking jokes while I birthed our children and asking ridiculous questions like "Do you want a smoothie" while I was in the middle of pushing a child out of my body! Sam is passionate about writing (learn something new everyday, huh?), Sam is intelligent and wise beyond his years, yet he has the playfulness of a child. Sam is the most amazing father to our kids. It's a rarity for me to hear Sam complain about anything. I love my guy, and so blessed to call him my husband. I am thankful for you, Sam! Happy almost 3 years!!


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